Marilyn Monday | March 25, 2024

Happy Monday.  

I like to post a Marilyn Monroe photo on Monday. It’s a throwback to when I used to send my sisters and mom a Marilyn photo via text every Monday and I called it “Marilyn Monday.”

I love finding photos of her that show her true side: the ones where she may not even know she’s being photographed.  

A black and white photo of Marilyn Monroe.
Sweet Marilyn. Photo courtesy of Pinterest

Last night, we had a delicious ribeye steak and we opened a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to go with it. 

This is by Four Vines  - a central California coast label -and it’s not an expensive bottle but it was sublime. I had to share the label. What’s a woman and her wine without a mention of the label?

The image of a Four Vines Label

Such a fun vintage-style label, circa 1920s photo. That gal is flexible. I’m headed to yoga class this morning. Maybe this look needs to be my next flexibility goal?

Have a great Monday, my vintage friends. 

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