What is a Novelty Sweater? │ Vintage 70s Stagecoach and Forest Novelty Sweater

Vintage novelty sweater on a form
I talked a little bit about novelty sweaters in a previous post. And I went on the hunt to find out the definition of a novelty sweater. 

Turns out, there are very few resources on the subject.

So, here's my definition. What is a novelty sweater?

A novelty sweater is an unusual sweater. It isn't just a plain front with no design and simple minimalistic designs. (Though that's a favorite of mine.)

A novelty sweater has a unique design. An unusual design. It may even have a design of something you don't normally see on a piece of clothing.

It could have a bit of fabric or other materials on the front, giving it a three-dimensional definition.

An image of a sweater on a form
Or it could just be all about the design that's in the fabric.

This novelty sweater is a perfect example. I just listed it today in my shop, Perennial Vintage. What is the image? Stage coaches on a bridge in a forest. 

I love it. Reminds me of the old West. Perfectly, I've found it here in my "old West" state of California.

The label is beautiful, too. 

This fabric is also unique. It's in the manufacturing style called "space dyed." 

I've sold quite a few novelty sweaters over the years, many from the 1950s and 1960s. They had some funky and fun crazy designs back then just like today.

They're really fun to see. Use the search term "novelty sweater" on the Etsy site and you'll see what I'm talking about.

A vintage label call Manskin

They can be about a specific subject. From golf to cats, to hearts, to panda bears! 

In fact, the more "novel" the subject, the better the sweater. Can you imagine a sweater all about sprinklers? Or what about a novelty cardigan all about sewing machines?

Novelty sweaters are unique. And with vintage, that's the whole point. Wearing vintage makes you unique. 

Wearing novelty sweaters is a way to bring some visual stimulation to those around you and it, in all honesty, can become a conversation starter. 

They're different, unique, one-of-a-kind often enough, and finding vintage ones really adds a cherry onto the proverbial vintage sundae.

Add a little novelty to your life today. I have several in my shop right now and they're all beautiful.

Every wardrobe can use a little whimsy.

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